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Long waits plague those seeking social security disability

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Everyday, employees in North Carolina are forced to stop working due to medical conditions and accidents that they had no control over. People who undergo life-saving surgeries and are unable to return to work find themselves struggling just to get by financially–while waiting in a seemingly never ending line for the Social Security disability that would help them remain up on their feet.

Some are waiting multiple years before they even have the chance to sit in front of a judge to plead their case. If it is denied, the appeals process only adds additional length. For those who have no other option, they can do no more than wait.

These long waits are rendering people who were previously proud employees homeless. Social Security disability benefits make all the difference in the world to those who are terminally ill or suffer from a chronic injury that prevents them from going back to work.

In most states who see this major back up in the Social Security system, the problem is painfully apparent. Officials are flooded with cases and simply do not have the manpower to sift through them quickly. Though several ideas for speeding up the long wait line have been tried, there is no clear solution thus far.

Many have voiced their opinions; the system is broken.

Social Security disability benefits are a vital lifeline for many who are sick or injured and cannot work. If you have additional questions about gaining these benefits, speaking with an experienced attorney could be beneficial to your case.

Source: KHQ-Q6, “Long wait times plaque Social Security disability process”, Kelli Kennedy, Nov. 28, 2015