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SSDI application denied? Don’t lose hope

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Suffering a disabling injury or illness can change your entire life. On top of the ongoing pain and medical treatments you may have to endure, you can lose your ability to work and take care of yourself; your loved ones may have to take on added responsibilities and you can feel helpless, alone and scared about the future.

However, there are resources available that can ease some of the stress you are coping with during this difficult time. Social Security disability support is one such resource. Unfortunately, pursuing these benefits can be frustrating as many claims are initially denied. If this has happened to you, you should not give up: There are ways to appeal a decision in an effort to secure a more favorable outcome.

As discussed in more in detail in this Social Security Administration article, there are several possible steps to the appeal process. Generally speaking, the first step will be a reconsideration of your claim. If this is still unsatisfactory, there will be a hearing scheduled with an administrative judge. If necessary, the case can then be reviewed by an Appeals Council. If you are still unsatisfied with the result, the final opportunity would be to file a claim in federal court.

Each step in this process has the potential to be frustrating, complicated and overwhelming, particularly when you are already struggling with a serious health condition.

But just as you don’t need to care for your medical condition on your own, you do not have to navigate the legal system alone, and having a claim for SSDI denied does not have to be the final word on your case. With legal guidance and support, you can get the help you need to avoid costly delays and missteps in pursuing the financial benefits you need and deserve.