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Financial advisor: get help early in SSDI process

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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It was nearly a century ago that Kiplinger began publishing its business forecasts and personal financial advice. Today the company helps Americans make decisions on investments, taxes, retirement and more.

A recent Kiplinger article gave advice on what to do when you are prevented from continuing your career because of injury or illness. The publication urges disabled workers to file a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits – “a saving grace for former workers with serious disabilities.”

The publication notes that everyone who applies for SSDI (also known as SSD) should have “immense patience” when trying to navigate “this complicated, challenging federal application process.”

Perhaps their best piece of advice is to “get help early.” They understand that the slow SSDI claim process places enormous stress on applicants and that those applicants are already struggling with the stress and strain of debilitating medical problems.

Kiplinger states that “the earlier you seek help, the sooner you can obtain the support you need to receive benefits quickly and avoid a lengthy hearing process.” They understand that even simple errors on the complex application forms can bring the approval process to a halt.

“By enlisting the support of a professional advocate, you’ll know all of your paperwork has been filed quickly and accurately,” Kiplinger says.

No one can guarantee that you will be approved for SSDI benefits, but you can improve your chances of approval when you have on your side an attorney familiar with how to obtain and submit critical medical documentation.