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What qualifies you for SSD benefits?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Suffering a sudden injury or illness can be an emotional and overwhelming experience for individuals in North Carolina and elsewhere. This is especially true if an individual finds it difficult to work because of it. This can create a serious financial situation, causing one to consider their options when it comes to resources such as Social Security disability benefits.

What qualifies you for SSD benefits? The Social Security Administration only pays for total disability. This means that those suffering from a partial disability or a short-term disability will not qualify for these benefits. The SSA also has a strict definition of disability and considers an applicant disabled if they cannot do the work they previously did, are unable to adjust to other work because of the medical condition and the disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or result in death.

The reason why the SSA has such a strict definition of disability is due to the fact that working families suffering periods of short-term disabilities have access to other resources. This includes programs such as workers’ compensation, insurance, saving and investments. Nonetheless, some applicants are considered ineligible when they in fact do qualify for SSD benefits. In these cases, further documentation during the reconsideration or appeals process will be necessary.

Whether you are filing an initial application or are seeking to appeal a denial, it is important to understand your rights and options. An applicant should not be discouraged because an initial application is denied, as it is possible to still prove eligibility though the appeals process.